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2005-09-07 00:07:06| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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hello everyone...
how a u ??
um....i am very well...
in school i can not on the msn ....so here is the only place that i can left the message to u all...
ar......!!! i miss u all...

i still rememeber the last day of us...

kelly ,michelle ,farrah..have cry!!!!
the others have not cry but that’s fine..
and as we know fat duck was late..but that’s ok..
it is better that ’SOMEONE’ that did not go to the airport..!!! (so upset....T_T..)

haha...just for kidding...^^
um....ok .. that’s all.

so see u all later...!!

P.S:please tell more people to left a message at the message borad..
cos i wanna to see!!!

台長: AM 成員是也~!
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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