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2008-12-13 21:39:57


好感動呀 e出野搞到我佢地5個人感情真係好好  好羨慕佢地呀睇睇下  我就諗我地班frd係時候都要定個promise la唔知你地點諗不過我好希望無論將來點變我地結婚戈陣一定要搵大家做姊妹 一定一定  至少我會  如果我嫁...

2006-12-16 16:23:36


哈哈哈.... 各位唔洗驚..... ne個絕對係am ge報台..... 唔洗懷疑na....... 見到一粿咁可愛ge仙人掌..... 絕對係eleanor ge傑作..... 哈哈哈.....’’

2006-12-05 16:28:21

it’s x’mas time!!

guys, i am going to buy x’mas present this weekend ar.. anyone want anything???

2006-11-25 07:51:25

Left Out....

oh...yes yes yes....it’s amy lei again... hello everyone... every time is me who open a new post... yes yes...i am the mo liu one... but after reading u guys ge xanga.... really feel l...

2006-11-15 01:03:26
2006-11-02 16:08:09


wei.....le de dim ar.... how’s school ar? exam coming la bor... add oil la... wo dec will come back ga la... wait for me la.....^3^~~ amy.

2006-10-13 21:31:06

對未來還沒信心 ?

INY A.... ne篇野係專登打比你睇ga.... 你唔好成日話我地唔緊你唔乜野..... 係一直都係你自己係度亂諗野/.... 你知唔知你而加做緊ge野同candy wong以前做ge係差唔得好多ga ja..... 戈陣時你都有份話佢唔識諗...

2006-09-26 15:24:46


Michelle lei.... happy birthday ar...... although this year can’t be with u again.... anyway.....miss u a lot!!

2006-09-07 15:34:33

Bk to Mayfield....

ai ar... bk to mayfield finally la.... sooo happy ar.... yesterday do the packing law....tired and hot!!! saw many fds ar... dim ar le de... how’s school? moon ng moon ar? and...

2006-08-25 00:32:42
2006-08-15 03:07:15

Iny, welcome back!

wakakkka.... finally!! iny~~~~ u bk la...

2006-07-13 14:15:36

Chun Chun and Me...

i am coming back la... wait for me la...

2006-06-23 15:23:30


horrible........=.=’’’’’’’’’’’’ by the way,this passage farrah fong don’t need to give any comment la... u no ga la,my passage are just meaningless rubbish...

2006-06-22 01:40:08

answer by iny

01. 傳俾你既人係邊個: umm..ami..lorraine~ 02. 佢同你既關係: 好朋友 03. 寫出你對佢既印象:            ami - 好得2,講野好直(汗),怕寂寞          lorraine - 好sexy,有時好成熟有...

2006-06-22 01:21:52


01. 傳俾你既人係邊個: Iny....>

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