Grey Scale
If I felt gelid and lifeless, whatever that means can only represent one thing, that I am still wondering in the times I loved you....
I like the feeling of leaving, it shows either I am thrilled or I am hard to let go. Leaving, to leave the present moment, or forget the past or even the coming future.
My friends love the way I compose poems, therefore I give my works to them. I always write for someone, so that whoever that is can find the door that leads into my world, my reality and my life. We are all selfish in a way to each other, so we always forgive each other easily. Or maybe I should put it this way,
The space and time is stagnated in the painting. Color, to me, is like a friend who I have known longer than I can record. I have some talent and I can find the answers that I want through working with colors. But gray scale is my favorite. Grey to me is mood, emotion, not discouragement, but purity.
Grey scale shows the transition of white changes gradually to black, that transition is very much like a transitional process of a person’s life from birth to death. It is also like a young girl's silent smile. Softly, I touched her warm face and kissed her, in gray scale.
The gray painting, allows me to remain silence to you. There is a gray distance, the most beautiful distance in the gray scale, and that is 0,90674. If it is too close, it becomes too realistic, and too far becomes too illusive. The distance of 0.90674 is the best distance to kiss you. In this distance, I can see your anxiety through your iris, and you can notice the loneliness of mine. Maybe I should feel regret, I still approach you somehow, for my next most stable gray scale lies on your pinky lips.
Mother’s gray scale is the picture that was taken on her wedding. And what is yours?
Nov 5 2002 Night in Lin Yuan