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2005-12-06 17:31:07| 人氣348| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love in the air

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I can’t believe that you were sitting in front of me. This was the best Sunday afternoon that I’ve ever had during the whole year. The chilly weather outside didn’t infect the warm smell of coffee and the laid back atmosphere between us. I wish you can talk more about yourself. How do you like the city? What kind of movie do you like? Since you didn’t enjoy room18, what place will you suggest me to go? It seems that I haven’t found the code yet. I knew that.

Although I sensed the sadness spread within my heart, I know that I’m not gonna give in.

Maybe the whole world has heard my description except you. And hei ! I didn’t see you today…

(Origin of the picture:http://www.art-galleries-schubert.com.au/)

台長: Kate
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