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2005-10-26 01:08:24| 人氣208| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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I couldn’t stop wondering, am I going to lose the ability of expressing myself, which is one of my instincts that should never be lost? Or, I’ve been through the changes that beyond the understanding to my own, and it forces me to progress my days without any hesitations?

Life isn’t bad at all, but the torture of my wavering soul is never away as well. When you try to content your entire life with challenges and expectations, things will always go to the different directions that you can never imagine. Is it the only style that the world works? Does it really approach the truth of our short lives? There is no chance to get what you want in an easy way, not even close. This is all about, in everything, to anywhere. I couldn’t agree more.

It is too simple to describe the changes happened to me as a price of growing. There is something more complicate than that. Choose to participate to a difficult battle is a mystery to even myself, too. I never feel easy about everything I’m doing now. Life should be simpler, and I choose the way that few have gone to. Sometimes I just can’t stop wondering why.

There is still no answer in my head, and I doubt it will be. Some say that life is an endless adventure, and maybe I should accept and try to compromise with it. No more answers for anything within our lives, instead of variety possibilities that be created by ourselves. I have no idea about what is correct or not, but I will try to be creative in the future journey of my life. Hopefully, to make each day count, and with no regrets.

台長: Kate
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