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2010-09-01 11:10:48| 人氣457| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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大頭 Weiming 昨天寄了三本書來送我!這是第三本禮物!!!
Cynic 都會很喜歡!

我家兩隻麻子在看《利維坦之書》,狂笑像非洲鬣狗海乙那!跟他們看《海綿寶寶》或是《辛浦森家庭》的時候一樣,而我只能拍案叫絕可是完全笑不出來..... 嗯! 這就叫代溝!
It's a very very amazing "pop book"!


I haven't finished reading yet.
So far, this is the most charming page to me.
It's like our daily conversation at home.
My husband is a teacher of physics, my big boy majors in music, my little boy is starting his study of medical science and I teach literature.  Please imagine these four SILLY PEOPLE talking at a table.  Hahaha!!!

Most of the time, I will start the silly talk, and my little boy makes it sillier, and my husband makes it even sillier, in a very serious way.
And at last, my big boy will use one or two words to conclude the conversation--ALWAYS THE SILLIEST OF ALL.

But of course, none of us laugh.

We have enough evidences to prove our silly talk--fake or twisted, most of the time.

Sometimes my two brothers and my sis-in-law will add their comments and make the conversation longer.
My first little brother is a math teacher.
My second little brother majored in finance.
My sis-in-law works as a researcher in a university-based hospital.
None laughs at our conversation, except my little niece, who sometimes gives the brief and terse comment:
You liars!

台長: YV
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此分類下一篇:Rap 版的 蘇絲博士 Fox in Socks

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