~~~好哪~~~~ 台灣獼猴都比原住民還多哪!」每次聽都笑得很開心,沒想到這是真的!中山大學的學生都要自救了。我們的超級內向助理柯博文現在在中山當助理,居然開始活潑了起來。也許某部份也要歸功這些靈長類朋友的影響。
昨天 YV 在 FB 碰到木訥柯博文,有了以下的對話:
J: 中山這邊的辦公室, 只有小隊長的歌聲和我, 或許再加上外頭的小猴子 (嘰嘰)
J: 有食物在, 猴子可能會進來攻擊我, 啊啊啊~~
A: 爪爪(←送你兩串香蕉)
J: 有食物在, 猴子可能會進來攻擊我, 啊啊啊~~
B: 你本身就是食物啦~萊訝!!
C: 啊哈哈,萊訝好笑!
J: 其實現在就有一隻巴在我身上 (噴汁)
YV: Interesting life with monkeys!
J: Those monkeys are really cute, but they are also robbers. They like to snatch your food while you're eating it. Sometimes I have the kind of feeling that they are monkeys from the ninja tribe: Ninja!
YV: So, you are serious?
I thought you were only joking!
J: No, Prof. YV, I am not joking XD~~ Some students left a B. B. gun here in the office. They say it is for scaring those monkeys away while they break through the door as the SWAT team XD~~
YV: What!!!!!
That's really beyond my imagination!!
I thought it only occurred in the stand-up comedy for entertainment.
So, you used the gun too?!??
J: No, never. And I wish I'll never use it too. XD~
If I unfortunately have such surprising opportunity, I think I'll take banana as my sword to fight them XD~~
YV: God bless you and your fingers!
Don't you think your fighting strategy is a little bit too stupid? I've never been in an army, but I know I should not tempt my "enemy" like this! If they are 台灣獼猴,don't they have very sharp teeth? My friend got a giant scar on her leg, done by a monkey when she was living in Hualien.
J: Haha, I am just kidding. They usually appear by the road or in the parking lot, and I always quickly pass by when I see monkeys. Although the students here say that those monkeys may open the door, I've never seen them here on the hallway ^^
J:老師我沒有啊~ (泣) 只是在高雄這裡, 變得開朗一點了吧 XD. 話說今年的畢演, 我拼老命都要回去欣賞!
YV:好! 乖! 猴塞雷!
不錯啦! 已經知道開玩笑的重要!
J: 哈哈, 臉紅了 >/////<. 距離我交到女朋友結婚可能還要更努力啊 老師 XD~~
你繼續和那些猴子奮鬥,找到 playful, aggressive, funny, beastly and courageous 的特質,加到你的藝術家天份裡! 太 perfect 了!!! (假如我有女兒就好了! 現在就可以選女婿!)
J:老師您真是過獎了, 可是 aggressive 跟 beastly...唉呦 (冷汗直流) XD~~
很多可愛的女生還是逃不了「男生不壞女生不愛」的魔咒。做做樣子就好了嘛! 該主動牽手的時候就要毫不遲疑的伸手! 所以要常常帶你的 date 逛街,或爬山,或.... (請參考各國偶像劇) 然後要不停的過馬路! 這樣才能 aggressive! 看到電線桿就要佔地盤! 那就是 beastly 的本能啦!!!(請再參考各國偶像劇)
J:哈哈哈, I can't agree more (眼泛淚光). 不過牽著手, 還要一邊佔地盤還蠻累的 XD~~
YV:吼! 你到底有沒有認真唸書呀?!
不能一直牽著手啦!! 超遜的!! 完全娘掉!
要故意牽一下,立刻放手! 假裝牽手是不小心的本能行為!! 然後就繼續講講你的畫、你的音樂、你的碩士論文....然後再過馬路!
(唉! 我忽然有一種出賣女同胞的感覺....)
J: 原來男孩子早就已經被女孩子看透透了 XD~~ 不過老師的教戰守策, 讓我突然有了國小體操的畫面感
1. 牽手 (手平舉齊肩)
2. 鬆手, 故作輕鬆狀, 臉帶羞澀紅潤 (屈膝)
3. 聊聊天, 同時大口呼吸牽到手的"Oh Yeah" XD~~