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2006-11-26 21:50:12| 人氣116| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

a lesson

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had a little accident on Sat afternoon..
i am fine..i am not the one who is injured..
a 19 year old girl hurt her hand, chain and foot coz of me..
well..once again..i neglected the road condition b4 i do anything
and that’s y the accident happened..
was in hospital for 3 hours with the police and my guilt

the 19 year old girl said its her fault as well, coz she should be more careful
the police said no matter how, the responsibility came to me...well my bf actually..coz he is the owner of the car
i feel bad..to both her and my bf..but none of them scold me..

however, my bf still made my tear out when he was trying to let me felt more comfortable..
i had learned my lesson..
sorry to all of you...no matter its really my fault or not..i still feel really really sorry..

thanks for all of you...the one who stand by me and being so supportive..

老大..da one who take care of me..and always..
老大哥...treat me like his own sis and take care of things
sister J...call me often and care about me and even offer to accompany me when she is so tired just came back from business trip
小捷 a friend who help me to take care of all these

the little girl’s mom is going to the hospital tomorrow..and i am going there right after my work..
the pressure is there..but..i will take it..
went to the temple and pray for her..hope she can get better soon..really soon..

台長: i myself
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 雜七雜八碎碎唸 |

1 Eye
I hope you are fine both physically and psychologically la...

And don’t be so 失魂, watch your step on the esclator please...
2006-11-28 10:59:27
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