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2005-05-10 17:19:06| 人氣155| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

god bless my angel

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The weather is bad..the news come from the other side is bad…and my mood is bad.
How could this happen to a lovely girl like her? I don’t understand….. this is the first time that my fear really attack me like a hard ball
Suddenly I feel I am such a weak person.
I am really sad, cried few times in the toilet already, its bad to happen on the second day of my work in the new company
I hope this is just a dream, and I don’t want this happen again around me to my family or friend. I do not want to any other bad news any more.

I hope god can bless this beautiful kind girl and let everything bad left her….i truly hope.

Miss you…and be here for you always..my dear friend!

台長: i myself


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