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2009-12-30 07:15:01| 人氣1,310| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Little Black Bird

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By Agnes Lam    


Flying is never your gesture

But there thinking with no alternative

There, always there

Since I know how black and dark would look alike

You wear that color without color

You never grow or aged

But I do

I do, when I know how a bird should look like

I do, when I wish you setting your wings free to fly

To hover with kisses from the bliss

But you don’t

You don’t when I have a glance on the greyly air

You don’t when I look down to the shinny rainy ground

You don’t, cause it is the winter

Where you are always there


Winter, 2009

Picture: http://alilsumptinsumptin.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/art1.jpg

台長: 小鳳


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此分類上一篇:The Foggy Christmas Morning

I enjoy reading your articles. Your recent post about the note left by a traffic policeman named Ah Wai is very interesting.
May God bless you and your loved ones with joy and peace every day of the new year!
2010-01-01 10:57:47
Thanks a lot. You have reminded me to post that article. Happy New Year to you too.
2010-01-01 11:57:44
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