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2005-05-31 01:09:22| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Time''s Up!!

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2005.05.30.Mon.Sunny Day~

I don't know what should I say...

Maybe I'm just a fool liking to think things too much.
It causes me have a bad mood...

It is not normal, right?

Maybe I am wrong...
Maybe I failed...
So I must have a bad mood...
It doesn't have a standard, right?

Why did arguments and quarrels exist?
I wish they could just disappear...
And never exist in my life, even in any corner in my mind.

I'm tired...

Just want to take a rest....have a deep breath...
But, maybe it's hard to reach......

Don't give me any trouble anymore......
Pressure is too huge to take a short break...

It's time to let me recall my life before...
Just "recall"......It's enough, I think....

Let me.........

Let me sleep......
Let me die............

It's over....................
Is over.............

台長: 流水
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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