Midnight, not a sound from the pavement.
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone.
In the lamp light the withered leaves collect
at my feet,and the wind begins to moan.
Memory, all alone in the moon light.
I can smile at the old days, I was beautiful then.
I remember the time I knew what happiness was, let the memory live again.
Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning.
Someone mutters and a street lamps gutters and soon it will be morning.
Daylight I must wait for the sunrise, I must think of a new life.
And I mustn't give in.
When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too.
And a new day will begin.
Burnt out ends of smoky days, the stale cold smell of morning.
The street lamp dies, another night is over, another day is dawning.
Touch me.
It's so easy to leave me.
All alone with my memory.
Of my days in the sun.
If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is.
Look, a new day has begun.
夜霧 悄悄偷襲著大地 看不見一個人影 街燈分外淒清
沒有月光 也沒有一片落葉嘆息 寂寞心等待明天
懷抱 無限溫馨的回憶 也曾快樂的時光 也曾美好青春
我還記得那燦爛是朝陽的笑顏 驀然回首 夜已深
默默凝望 淚雨迷漫街窗 等到有一次天明
給我 僅有一句的誓言 整個心靈的祝福 永不收回的愛
當我走過那燃燒過生命的街燈 願把回憶留下來
繁華故夢 掩不住蹣跚孤單的足跡
幾許辛酸 也有離合悲歡 唯願 再給我勇氣
朝陽 升起大地的光芒 閃亮是去的往昔 默默情懷依舊
伸出雙手觸摸我充滿幸福的心 是我揮別的時候