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9/4-10/3 馮建中當代影像展- 樓花-TIVAC

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馮建中 簡歷

Fung Kin Chung Biography

馮建中,出生於非洲馬達加斯家島,十三歲舉家回港。從事超過二十種不同行業,其間,一直拍攝題為《茫茫十年》之攝影系列。1988年,分別獲得英國文化協會及亞洲文化協會之獎學金,赴英美遊學,回港以後,巡迴展覽《路上》攝影系列。曾任《壹周刊》及《明報周刊》全職攝影師。2004年辭職投身志願組織當義工,曾到過的地方包括: 非洲、南亞、雲南等地。現為自由創作者,並參與攝影教育工作。

John Fung was born in Madagascar, Africa. His family moved back to Hong Kong when he was 13. Fung has engaged in more than 20 kinds of career. Meanwhile, he kept working on a series of work entitled "In One Decade". In 1988, he received two grants, from the British Cultural Council & the Asia Cultural Council respectively, to study in New York City & London. After his return, he held a series of exhibition entitled "On the Road" in various places. He was a full time photographer in Next magazine and Ming Pao Weekly Magazine. In 2004, he quited his full time job, became a volunteer of Oxfam and visited Africa, South East Asia & Yunnan,etc. Fung, at the moment, is a full time artist and participates in arts education.

展覽時間:2010.09.04-10.3 11:30-19:00 每週一公休
開幕茶會:2010.09.04 Sat 3:00-5:00 pm

地點:TIVAC 台灣國際視覺藝術中心(台北市遼寧街45巷29號1樓)
Tel: +886-2-2773-8778
Email: tivac@ms28.hinet.net
Website: www.tivac.tw



A. 南京復興路口下車:
46、248、266、266(區間)、279、282、282(副)、288、288(區間)、292、292(副)、306、306(區間車)、307(撫遠街線)、604、605(快速公車)、622、652、668、672、 675、711、棕9、棕10、紅25、國光客運

B. 芝麻大廈(靠近郵局)下車:


台長: 呆呆小藍
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全站分類: 攝影寫真(作品、技術、器材) | 個人分類: photo and image |
此分類下一篇:10/9-11/14 ONE MOMENT─拍立得攝影展-TIVAC-台北
此分類上一篇:篠山紀信 in 北美館 this fall, coming soon!

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