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4月30日:Inge Morath 攝影獎(2008)作品提交截止日-女性攝影師

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紀念瑪格南攝影師Inge Morath的攝影獎項,專爲30歲以下女攝影師設置,獲獎者將得到5000美元以完成一項長期Documentary攝影專案,去年該獎項獲獎者爲倫敦女攝影師Olivia Arthur,推薦女攝影師關注一下這個獎項。


Inge Morath Award
The Inge Morath Award
Magnum Photos announces the fifth Inge Morath Prize to be awarded to a woman photographer under thirty years of age. The $5000 prize is given to assist in the completion of a long term documentary project. Inge Morath was an Austrian-born photographer who was associated with Magnum for almost fifty years. She died in January, 2002. As Inge devoted much of her enthusiasm to encouraging women photographers, this award is given as a tribute by her colleagues.

Form of Submission
Images should be sent as a Powerpoint slide show. No Quicktime presentations, PDF or HTML files will be accepted. A folder with the individual image files should accompany the Powerpoint file.

Image file the specifications are:
- 40-60 images
- file size: 1200 pixels on the longest side @ 150 DPI saved as a Jpeg compression at 8
- images should be numbered in the order that you wish them to be presented, with the number coming first in the file name (to ensure the correct sequence use two digits, example: 01_, 02, 03) and then your last name. F.ex. 01_Smith, 02_Smith, 03_Smith etc. Please do not use any spacing in the name.
Please test the CD before you send it and be sure to label it with your name and contact details. If your portfolio does not meet these requirements, it will not be considered.

Support material:
- Send a project description (optional; maximum one page)
- Curriculum Vitae (required; maximum three pages) including photographer’s name, telephone number, plus shipping and mailing address.
- Please include a copy of your ID which clearly shows your date of birth. Applicants must still be under the age of 30 before April 30th.

Submissions should be sent to:
Inge Morath Award
c/o Magnum Photos
151 West 25th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Deadline: All materials must be post marked no later than April 30, 2008
Award Announcement: July 15, 2008
Return of material is the responsibility of the applicant. Submissions that are not accompanied by SASE will not be returned.

去年獲獎者Olivia Arthur的一些相關描述

2007 Inge Morath Award評選結果剛剛宣佈,來自倫敦的女攝影師Olivia Arthur以作品《The Middle Distance(中間距離)》脫穎而出。

其餘進入決賽的女攝影師包括:伊朗的Newsha Tavakolian,作品《Iran: Girl Power!》;阿塞拜疆的Rena Effendi,入圍作品《Pipedreams: A Chronicle of Lives Along the Pipeline in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey》。

Olivia Arthur 2002年畢業于牛津大學數學系,隨後完成了倫敦印刷學院的攝影碩士課程。2003至2006年間,作爲一名自由攝影師,她在新德里爲報紙以及個人作品進行拍攝。在印度拍攝婦女時,Olivia Arthur萌生了進行《The Middle Distance(中間距離)》的拍攝計劃。


Inge Morath Award的5000美元獎金將用於支援Arthur在歐亞交界五個國家中婦女生活的拍攝專案,這五個國家包括:土耳其,格魯吉亞,阿塞拜疆,哈薩克斯坦以及俄羅斯。

有關Inge Morath Award:Inge Morath基金會設立的攝影獎項,獲獎者限定于30歲以下的女性攝影師;該獎項爲紀念著名瑪格南攝影師Maroth,獲獎者則由瑪格南成員在年會上評選確認。

關於《《The Middle Distance(中間距離)》》






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