Heal me, I’m heartsick
That’s what I want to say.
Maybe. I need someone to light my candle, too.
The heart may freeze or it can burn
The pain will ease if I can learn
There is no future, there is no past
I live this moment as my last
There’s only us, there’s only this
Forget regret, or life is yours to miss
No other road, no other way
No day but today
I do not yearn for it. and I think no one needs a permanent love.
It doesn’t exit though.
友情?I’m wondering.
I never maintain a friendship more than 7 years.
I know I’m a freak.
Thank u mark. You always listen to my beef.
Thank u my boy. Thank for your shit. I’ll remember it forever.
Thanks all of my friends. You are all saint.
Yeah~becaouse I’m so so so so odd.
Maybe I’m just … just… just too lonely and loose passion of living.
U r right mark.
I can hardly go inside the world.
I’m an external individual, comparing with all the people.
It doesn’t matter. I do not care.
Because no one cares about me.