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2007-08-31 23:18:06| 人氣242| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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One two, one two, one and one is two

You were meant for me, I was meant for you

Tell me that you love me, want me, need me in your life

Cause I got love so come and take a dive into my world

Share this world with me

I hope you’re gonna wanna stay right here you see

This is the day this is a way so let us sing a song and

Make it stay


Please I gotta write a little tune for you

To express nothing

Less than pure love for you

Ya see, I’m the kind of wonman that

Well, I don’t like to keep my feelings inside,

Gotta let it outside

Let the world know how much I feel for you

I even wrote a love song dedicated to you

So if ya miss me, really miss me,

Why don’t ya come closer and kiss me, kiss me

才相遇就有點想妳 想看妳不敢告訴妳

別以為是寂寞而已 我知道自己的問題

茶不思飯不吃的道理 妳使我夜夜好憂鬱

一個需要愛的人 一顆發了瘋的心

想為妳譜寫一首歌 歌裡面都是妳的名 請相信我是用了心

自從妳出現在夢裡 生活就變得好美麗

把時間留給妳 想著妳和等著妳

我是真的真的想妳 真的真的想妳 好想為妳淋一場雨

證明我的心 證明我的命 永遠永遠屬於妳

我是真的真的想妳 真的真的想妳 讓我為妳淋一場雨

證明我的心 證明我的命 此情 此愛 永不渝


Till the break of down, to you I’ll sing this song

This lovely melody that goes真的想你

Day, night, I’ll be holding you so light

Together, let our love live forever

台長: 阿勳~
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