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2005-03-05 03:27:15| 人氣451| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy Birthday!

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March 23 , the significant day for every member of Social Service Group in Shih Hsin university, is approaching in the end of the month. This year, Social Service Group has been 32 years old. In the special day, some recollection in the past is recalled.

Undoubtedly, preparing a series of festivities for the day is an easy thing. At that time, being commissioned to the department of Communication in the group, I still was such a muddled freshman that still had a lot of thing to know.However, not only was the job of department a heavy burden but also something about the celebration had overwhelmed me. So, in those days, it seems that I hardly got enough sleep. Whenever I opened the eyes, all of the things met me immediately. The countless works: work sheets, posters, adornments, dancing, and rehearsal, were full of the month of preparation. Especially, the character of rehearsal in the social evening of the group always varied from one to another in daily life, as makes me impressive up to now. It is the training of weighty work that I smoothly progressed during in those times. Those abilities of handling something that I had to get had been promoting bit by bit. Meantime, I find the most precious treasure, partners, which was neglecting around us. They kept company with me no matter what was happen. Getting along with companions in such a long time made us become a one. It brought about many special reminiscent things.

In an instant, I have become the senior in the four years, as well as it is the last time that being a college student to appreciate these attractive and outstanding performances by juniors. I strongly want to speak to you, the young generation, “when the going get tough, the tough get going. Impossibly, one could not success without any frustration. Give more courage by yourselves when you confront with all obstacles and failures. You will overcome the tough going if you continue to persevere. I expect to see the show on your own all the time. Good luck!”

Finally, I delightedly congratulate Social Service Group, my favorite group, “Happy Birthday.”

台長: 六隻腳的動物
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