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一萬叩首 Ten Thousand Bows (updated English karaoke)

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一萬叩首 Ten Thousand Bows (updated English karaoke)

2010/07/02 21:01

千叩首萬叩首 祈求上天停息考魔

One thousand, ten thousand bows Praying for Heaven to end the trials

 日日叩夜夜叩 叩求上天開恩寬赦

 Making bows day and night; Praying for Heaven's clemency

寬赦無邊的罪過 心繫大地徒兒

To pardon the unending faults; Concerned for all disciples

不忍見到羔羊迷失醉南柯 含淚呼喚眾賢儔

Hard to bear seeing how the flock became so lost Hiding tears, calling disciples

一字一句家書投 音訊杳杳不見眾回頭

Word by word, writing the letter home No response, and they have not returned

想起當年立愿下東州 如今忘了許下的承諾

Thinking of the vow to come to this world Now the promise has been forgotten

 心也捨身也捨 頂劫救世色身自囚

 Giving all of oneself—To hold back the calamities (by self-imprisonment)

 心也甘情也願 情願犧牲無怨無尤

Willing to sacrifice—Without complaints or grievances

情願潛隱背黑鍋 換得道務開拓

Most willing to take the blame—To let Dao propagate widely

 寒風刺骨受屈受辱莫須有 一肩擔起受折磨

Wrongly disgraced, like cold wind biting to the bone Yet enduring the torment

一心一意不退縮 蠟炬成灰堅持到最後

 Fearlessly and wholeheartedly, Persevering to the very end (like candle burning to ash)

 想起三曹責任身擔荷 挑起使命毅然向前走

 Thinking of the salvation mission— Bear the mission, firmly stride forward

 望徒歸盼徒修 行功立德佳期把握

 Hope disciples cultivate—Don't wait, establish virtues and merits

苦海流駕金舟 代勞分憂渡盡九六

Propagate Dao to the world; Share the duty to save all souls

上蒼道劫降娑婆 處處天災人禍

Heaven descended Dao to save the world from calamities

只願綱常倫理道德再振作 挽世清平拯末流

Only wish that people manifest their virtues to prevent final calamity

一生一世緣深厚 日夜精進真辦真成果

 With great affinity in this life; Make progress in achieving the goal

 想起修辦路上多風波 一叩再叩至誠平坎坷

With thoughts of the arduous road ahead Bowing again and again to ease the way

台長: gary
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