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2006-07-12 22:36:15| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

World  Of  Colour

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Open your eyes, what do you find A world of colour of every kind
The sky is blue the trees are green
A rainbow brighter then you’ve ever seen

Butterflies of green and orange,
Blue, brown and red
Fluttering up in the sky up above our head

Open your eyes, what do you find
A world of colour of every kind
The sun is golen the moon is white
Bright colours shining right through the day and night

Shimmering streams of blue water
Fish of golden green
Swimming fast under a bridge
Just below our feet

英國兒歌  ..  不過好聽唒 ..

台長: ಇ 俏俏▂ミ°
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