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2008-04-05 10:21:59| 人氣84| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

轉* 調情聖手/戀愛玩家/ 交易贏家

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Smooth Operator

Diamond life, lover boy.
We move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.
City lights and business nights.
When you require streetcar desire for higher heights.
光芒耀眼的生活 他的專長就是戀愛
一步步 用最短的時間媚惑妳的心
期待他脫軌的心為妳停留 不過是奢求

No place for beginners or sensitive hearts
When sentiment is left to chance.
No place to be ending but somewhere to start.
敏感的心脆弱的人 不要輕易加入這場遊戲

No need to ask. 不需要多說什麼了 沒有疑問地
He’s a smooth operator, 他就是個戀愛玩家
smooth operator,
smooth operator,
smooth operator.

Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.
四處飄蕩的靈魂 販賣愛情的賭徒...

Face to face, each classic case.
We shadow box and double cross,
Yet need the chase.
面對吧! 睜開眼看看那些被傷透的心...
堅強點! 不要再想追逐他虛幻的身影...

A license to love, insurance to hold.
Melts all your memories and change into gold.
His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold.
擁有戀愛的執照 絕對贏得芳心的本事
他一次又一次 攻佔妳的心 融化妳的防線
仿若天使般純潔的雙眼 他的心卻冷至冰點

No need to ask. 何必我再多說什麼呢
He’s a smooth operator, 他只是個戀愛玩家啊
smooth operator,
smooth operator,
smooth operator.

Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.
四處飄蕩的靈魂 販賣愛情的賭徒...

Smooth operator, 愛情的玩家
smooth operator, 愛情的玩家...
smooth operator,
smooth operator,
smooth operator...

台長: *Yuki
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友) | 個人分類: 愛情1對1 |
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