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2020-06-07 03:01:16| 人氣152| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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外面的世界如此之大 There is so much world out there!

我們想要去看看 And we got to see it all 

千方百計 No stone unturned 

我發誓 I swear 

 我的願望清單太長 My bucket list is just too long

我們不會停止向前  We won't stop 

至到我們看到 Till we've seen 

地平線那邊的景色 What's beyond the horizon 

我們不會停止 ,至到我們看到 Wecan't stop till we've seen

我們的心之所向 The places we've had our eyes on 

你會看到 You'll see 

所有美好都在等著你 It's all waiting for you

也等待著我 And it's waiting for me

等待著你我 it's waiting for you and me 


幸福是你欠自己的 Happiness is what tou owe yourself 

每個人都有自己的生活 Every has their days

一切都是最好的安排 I know we gonna be okay 

不必害怕 You don't have to be afraid

想你所想 You're allowed to feel 

做你所想 However you feel

你不必強認淚水 You don't always have to hide hide your tears 

即使今天過得不如意 Even if today doesn't go your way 

我會讓你展露笑顏 I bet I'll get you smiling ear to ear 

每個人都有自己的生活 Everybody has their days 

一切都是最好的安排 I know we gonna be okay

你不用害怕 You don't have to be afraid 

當雨落下時 When the rain falls down upon this

我不會躲避 I won't run 

積水成河 奔流不息 Run like the river

奔騰不息 Run like the river

我相信你 I Believe in you

你知道該怎麼做 You'll know what to do 

做自己的英雄 Be the hero that's like no one else 

其實你早已擁有 you've been here before 

你視而不見 Closin every door

你可以的 乘風破浪 You can do it nothin to it 

你可以的 一往向前 You can do it nothin to it 

說我相信 你值得擁有一切美好 Say I believe, you deserve it know you're worth it



台長: Shian
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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