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2007-08-18 20:01:31| 人氣73| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

recently .......... tired !???

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1/8 is the fist time tht i had a job in China travel Service...
wow.....it’s the fist day work in there..
i felt it’s the funny job........................................
but i also afraid tht i can’t do tht for...

my colleagues are a very nice guy *V*

after a few days...something is wrong wif me.

i’m afraid tht i mistook T^T
Je-sus ........... may god bles ?
thanks for everyone tht worry for me n help me all the time..

i’ll try my best as i do..

台長: |×`﹏~太陽島◆*
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