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2007-07-07 01:12:50| 人氣28| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

wht da hell !?

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i fuckin hate you................
damn shit ........................

i really really upset tht all about us......
wht happen for !?
i’m sorry tht i felt we can’t to be continue..all right!?
i think you’re a selfish girl ...it’s true................

i don’t know wht you do as you do...........
you don’t understand me anymore ..............
ys...................you’re never ...........n ever......

i hate you so damn much............
Who am i !???????????????????????????
where’s all my mind !? i think i lost it..........

sometimes i hide .....sometimes i run...........
yep........all right!?
so .............. how come !?
wht can i do it for!? i’d never know tht all my mind .....
how feel tht problems .......i don’t know....................
i can’t explain anything ....i just can’t ___________/

台長: |×`﹏~太陽島◆*
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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