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2007-05-24 00:43:41| 人氣116| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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We used to love while others used to play.
Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by,
some one else moved in from far away.

and you don’t ask the time of day.
But you and I... our love will never die,
but guess we’ll cry come first of May.

And I recall the moment of them all,


yaa.... it would be cool it could be too
Stop Running round in circles off of what we fuel
’’Living a lie eventually’’ {believing it’s true}*
A lot of people here for us one could be you

It’s outrageous and they just ain’t nothing
But save us an ocean of brown fists in various flavors

The days is short the nights is long!?

In sight of the former might
You might think that it’s a waste

Of our time!!
And I think you would be right
Till he drop that rhyme

路一直走 忘記了多遠或多久

台長: |×`﹏~太陽島◆*
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2007-06-06 01:47:57
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