I went with my homestay to a cabin on Friday. There were three people :My homemom , her daughter and me, We drove in the Car for four hours. It was a very long time. On the high way I didn’t see any animals because the Weather was very cold, Maybe they were hiding and there was it! I think so.
The Weather sometimes was sunny, cloudy , rainy or lighting and a thunderstorm last week, I can’t understand Canadian weather . It was difficult and then I brought only summer clothes, Did you see my photos? We think the same.
When I arrived at the cabin it was 11 o’clock ,The cabin is in front of a lane, We couldn’t drive the car and then We took a lot of food and clothes to the cabin.
We walked for 3 minutes but it was difficult.
I saw the SNOW-WHITE AND THE 7 DWARFS story on Saturday in the morning ,
I told the SNOW-WHITE AND THE 7 DWARFS story to my homestay,
Sometimes the story word was too difficult for me, But The story was very nice ~~~
When I finished my story I went outside , My homestay taught me how to cut chop the wood? I and Rita were chopped the wood together , I chopped the wood first…It’s very nice.
There is a river behind the house The river was very beautiful and then I brought the swimsuit ,but I couldn’t go swimming….because the weather was cold and windy.
I was very disappointed, but I went to the cabin and I had a lot of free time.
When we were finished supper we talked about ghost stories and then country culture,
Taiwan is more superstitious than Canada I told my homestay,
If someone dies in water, house or car and anywhere I can’t be there.
My homestay told me , if you find money underground , you are very lucky.