1 [愛情不用翻譯] Lost in Translation
2 [搖滾教室] School of Rock
3 [成名在望] Almost Famous
4 [末代武士] The Last Samurai
5 [王牌冤家] Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
<得獎> [搖滾教室] School of Rock
1 Sofia Coppola~[Lost in Translation]
2 Pedro Almodóvar~[悄悄告訴她] Talk to her
3 Alejandro González Iñárritu~[靈魂的重量] 21 Grams
4 Richard Linklater~[School of Rock]
5 Cameron Crowe~[Almost Famous]
<得獎> Sofia Coppola~[愛情不用翻譯] Lost in Translation
1 Jack Black~[School of Rock]
2 Bill Murray~[Lost in Translation]
3 Nicolas Cage~[遠離賭城] Leaving Las Vegas
4 Sean Penn~[21 Grams]
5 Stephen Rea~[亂世浮生] The Crying Game
<得獎> Stephen Rea~[亂世浮生] The Crying Game
1 Naomi Watts~[21 Grams]
2 Julianne Moore~[遠離天堂] Far From Heaven
3 Evan Rachel Wood~[芳齡十三] Thirteen
4 Kate Winslet~[Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]
5 Scarlett Johansson~[Lost in Translation]
<得獎> Julianne Moore~[遠離天堂] Far From Heaven
1 Benicio Del Toro~[21 Grams]
2 Alfred Molina~[揮灑烈愛] Frida
3 Gene Hackman~[失控的陪審團] Runaway Jury
4 Johnny Depp~[英雄不回頭] Once Upon a Time in Mexico
5 Ken Watanabe~[The Last Samurai]
<得獎> Alfred Molina~[揮灑烈愛] Frida
1 Holly Hunter~[Thirteen]
2 Joan Cusack~[School of Rock]
3 Kate Hudson~[Almost Famous]
4 Frances McDormand~[Almost Famous]
5 Patricia Clarkson)~[非關女孩] Pieces of April
<得獎> Kate Hudson~[成名在望] Almost Famous
1 Scarlett Johansson~[Lost in Translation]
2 Keisha Castle-Hughes~[鯨騎士] Whale Rider
3 Bryce Dallas Howard~[陰森林] The Village
4 Rachel McAdams~[手札情緣] The Notebook
5 Andreas Wilson~[邪惡] Evil
<得獎> Scarlett Johansson~[愛情不用翻譯] Lost in Translation
1 [21 Grams]
2 [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]
3 [Almost Famous]
4 [Runaway Jury]
5 [危險關係] Dangerious Liasions
<得獎> [成名在望] Almost Famous
1 [Talk to her ]~西班牙
2 [你他媽的也是] And your Mother Too ~墨西哥
3 [春去春又來] Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring ~韓國
4 [歸鄉] The Return ~俄羅斯
5 [Evil]~瑞典
<得獎> [歸鄉] The Return ~俄羅斯
1 [School of Rock]~"School Of Rock" Performed by School Of Rock
2 [蜘蛛人二] Spider Man 2~"Ordinary" Performed by Train
3 [Almost Famous]~"America" Performed by Simon & Garfunkel
4 [The Crying Game]~"The Crying Game" Performed by Dave Berry
5 [地下鐵]~"地下鐵" Performed by 蕭亞軒
<得獎> [搖滾教室] School of Rock
1 [Lost in Translation]~Sofia Coppola
2 [Talk to her ]~Pedro Almodóvar
3 [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]~Charlie Kaufman
4 [Almost Famous]~Cameron Crowe
5 [說愛情太甜美] Anything Else~Woody Allen
<得獎> [王牌冤家] Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1 [追殺比爾] Kill Bill: Vol. 1
2 [Talk to her]
3 [Almost Famous]
4 [和你在一起]
5 [School of Rock]
<得獎> [悄悄告訴她] Talk to her
1 [駭客任務三最後戰役] The Matrix Revolutions
2 [明天過後] The Day After Tomorrow
3 [大智若魚] Big Fish
4 [哈利波特三阿茲卡班的逃犯] Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
5 [Spider Man 2]
<得獎> [駭客任務三最後戰役] The Matrix Revolutions
1 [The Last Samurai]
2 [The Matrix Revolutions]
3 [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban]
4 [Kill Bill: Vol. 1]
5 [冷山] Cold Mountain
<得獎> [末代武士] The Last Samurai
1 [Talk to her]
2 [21 Grams]
3 [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]
4 [And your Mother Too]
5 [蝴蝶效應] The Butterfly Effect
<得獎> [王牌冤家] Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1 [熊的傳說] Brother Bear
2 [史瑞克二] Shrek 2
<得獎> [史瑞克二] Shrek 2
1 [Frida]
2 [受難記最後的激情] The Passion of the Christ
3 [凡赫辛] Van Helsing
4 [活人生吃] Dawn of the Dead
5 [Big Fish]
<得獎> [揮灑烈愛] Frida
1 [The Last Samurai]
2 [Frida]
3 [Big Fish]
4 [Dangerious Liasions]
5 [亞瑟王] King Arthur
<得獎> [危險關係] Dangerious Liasions
1 [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind]
2 [The Last Samurai]
3 [Far From Heaven]
4 [21 Grams]
5 [The Return]
<得獎> [靈魂的重量] 21 Grams