The Free Spirit Within
Whatever you may consciously define as "feminine", there is an
image within you of woman as thinker and free spirit - a creative
mental and spiritual principle which has little to do with motherhood.
This image is powerfully activated in you through your
relationship with xxx. The image of woman as a mental and spiritual
force is best expressed in myth by the Greek goddess Athene, who
was born from the head of the great god Zeus without a mother.
This goddess personifies a quality of feminine foresight and wisdom
which by nature struggles against the bondage of biology. Athene in
myth is a virgin goddess, which symbolically describes a quality of
self-possession and inner integrity. She favours heroes and strategists;
but, on the dark side, she is the inevitable and sometimes implacable
enemy of physical passion and the bonds of family life.
This image of the feminine may not be consciously expressed in
your life, in part because it appears to fly in the face of more conventional
definitions of womanhood. But it is an ancient and archetypal
image, describing a fundamental facet of femininity. And it is
a dimension of the fabric of your inner life which needs to be incorporated
into both your relationship with and your dealings
with the world.
It is possible that your mother also possessed some of the intelligent
free spirit of Athene. But due to circumstances, social
pressures or her own lack of confidence, perhaps she was not able to
claim the freedom she needed, nor even acknowledge it to herself.
She may secretly have felt trapped and stifled by her traditional role.
Because of her discontent, you might not have experienced the
maternal security and containment you needed in early life. But it
could be important for you to recognise that this was due not to a
lack of love, but to the difficulties of a free spirit trying to contend
with a situation for which she may not have been emotionally
equipped. The covert instability which was probably part of your
childhood seems to have left you with a certain amount of anxiety,
although the sources of this anxiety may not be apparent to you now.
You may try to compensate for such deep unconscious unease by
binding yourself too tightly to your partner and to a more conventional
woman's role, so that you can feel more secure. This is probably
what your mother did. But such a defensive effort would only
result in your feeling deeply trapped and thwarted, and your need for
freedom would inevitably erupt in more compulsive ways. Nor
would it be helpful to pursue the opposite extreme, where you unconsciously
fear any kind of emotional commitment because it
represents a gaol sentence. It is a creative balance between security
and freedom that you need to find.
There are considerable intellectual gifts which are part of your
inner image of woman. Athene was, after all, the goddess of wisdom.
This means that, although you may not be an academic, you
need to develop and educate your mind to the fullest possible degree.
Your world needs to be broader and more comprehensive than
that of your relationship and family alone. Thus you might benefit
from involving yourself with broader social or spiritual concerns as
a balance to your personal life with your partner. In fact you need
your relationship to be a friendship as well as a love-match, where
xxx is a kind of travelling companion with whom you can explore
life. If you try to adapt yourself to a more rigid and conventional
woman's role, you will find yourself not only trapped and unhappy,
but also extremely bored. It is possible that your mother also possessed
intellectual gifts which she was unable to develop or express.
This may have left her critical, irritable and secretly bored with life
herself. It is most important that you find your own individual way
of including your need of intellectual challenge within your personal
and working life.
Thus your inner image of womanhood provides you with both
gifts and challenges. Because you may experience some perfectly
healthy ambivalence about having children and engaging in family
life, you probably need to think about ways to balance these
commitments with a creative life outside the home. Needing both
does not detract from your qualities as a woman. In fact it enhances
who you are, because you have intellectual gifts which stretch your
horizons beyond the purely personal. You also possess the energy
and initiative to build a career or professional life while at the same
time enjoying fulfillment in your relationship with xxx. But you
cannot afford to entertain too rigid or traditional an approach to love,
domestic life and womanhood. The mythic figure of Athene, the
virgin goddess of wisdom and warfare, suggests that you are more
unconventional than you might think, and need a varied and broadranging
lifestyle. Your relationship with your partner can only flower
if you are able to be what you truly are - a thinking woman with a
need for achievement, independence and real equality within your
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