Fundamental changes *** Valid during many months: This is an extremely powerful influence, for it represents powerful internal forces for change colliding with powerful resistance from the external world. You are trying to escape the routine, dull and ordinary aspects of your life. You try to find new things that will make your life more exciting and stimulating. But with every effort of this kind, circumstances, duties and obligations seem to hold you back and keep you stuck in an oppressive situation.
You may get to a point where the pressure is unbearable, and then you will make a sudden break for freedom. You may suddenly leave a relationship, an oppressive job or your place of residence, without warning anyone.On the other hand, it may be possible to create a balance that enables you to sustain a great deal of tension over a long period of time and accomplish a great many changes in a highly structured way. Tasks of considerable difficulty are often accomplished under this influence, and people make Herculean efforts that would otherwise be impossible for them. Serious study and long-range projects requiring great concentration and effort can be undertaken.Even though this may seem more productive, it really depends upon your situation. Very often a sudden break with what feels like an oppressive situation will clear the air and allow you to make a new and better beginning. On the other hand, it can cost you more than you are willing to pay. But the patient, hard-working manifestation of this energy may create severe mental and physical tensions, even to the point of physical illness. You have to decide what you can handle realistically and determine for yourself the proper course of action. At this time in your life you must make changes at the most fundamental levels. If you do not, in approximately fourteen years the consequences of not making these changes will become very obvious, and you will be confronted with the same issues again under more difficult circumstances.Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Conjunction Uranus, 

activity period end of December 2011 until beginning of October 2012
Sudden separations *** Valid during many months: This influence is likely to have a very disruptive effect on your relationships. Influences may enter your life, either through your home or your profession, that will challenge the foundations upon which your life is built. This challenge will be reflected in surprising encounters with others that upset your way of living or in sudden separations from persons who you thought would remain in your life for some time. Or it may be that you yourself are the catalyst of all these changes as you seek to become free of circumstances that have become oppressive.During this period it is quite likely that you will do things and go places you never would have thought of in the past. The old patterns of your life simply can no longer encompass what your life is becoming now.From all of the above it should be obvious that this is not an "evil" influence, although anyone who is wedded to the status quo in life or to their own past will find this period difficult to contend with. Old patterns that have acquired a stranglehold over your life will break up. You may not have been aware of these patterns, because many people find their "strangleholds" quite comfortable, at least until much later on.The people who enter your life at this time may be quite different from anyone you have known before. Some of these relationships may be quite brief. You may encounter someone for a specific purpose, which you may not be aware of at the time, and once that purpose is accomplished, the relationship ends.If a new love interest enters your life at this point, it is likely to be exciting, free and totally unpredictable. Do not make a permanent commitment to it until well after the end of this period, for such a relationship is likely to be very unstable and brief.Transit selected for today (by user):
Uranus Square Ascendant, 

activity period mid-April 2011 to 10 March 2012
Between a rock and a hard place *** Valid during many months: During this difficult and tense time your values and ideals will be severely tested. No matter what your situation, under this influence you will be confronted with a difficult dichotomy. On the one hand you will feel drawn to the new, unknown or even outrageous if it appears to offer more freedom. Old desires may reawaken with a new intensity, and you may now feel able to fulfill them. On the other hand, you may feel that existing obligations and ties, together with old fears and insecurities, are preventing you from breaking free from the grind of everyday life. Your sense of right and wrong could also prevent you from throwing off some of your shackles.Under this influence a variety of difficulties and conflicts in the outer world reflect your state of inner strife. You will have to deal with serious disputes and might experience some kind of separation - particularly with figures of authority or those who have had an important influence on your life. You may come to see that you have been living according to others' expectations, so that things that gave your life security and structure might suddenly seem oppressive and burdensome. Apart from the likely disputes within your relationship you will have problems in practically all those areas which call for order, discipline, responsibility and perseverance. You will rebel and go against the grain, being far less willing than usual to conform or buckle under. This is especially likely as long as you remain unable to decide on a concrete course of action.Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Opposition Chiron, 

activity period mid-December 2011 until end of September 2012
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