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2007-05-22 18:21:15| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

..Jupiter person’

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Today I looked like am much better....
After a Jupiter person’s comfort,!!
...................................................thX !!
I last night insufficiently rested,haha~~~!!!!!

I knew You are a good person,SO,Introduced you looked(If fallS in l0ve likeS thEm to SamE’)...........Attractive””??,
You tell me, you duplicate look at the final 40 minutes I knew youare an earnest person....
OK.Does not praise you, you really very are actually stupid!
In like this, the Earth does not welcome you
Jupiter person’
You listen to the inexhaustible endless story again?
That is a very good song

台長: .|細"尐_р’
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