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2007-03-02 00:25:23| 人氣85| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Let it go

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So tired.

Tomorrow I can’t see.

Two years ago.

I saw you.

No matter how,two tears later.

We become good friend.

But every time I see you.

I can’t sleep well.

Maybe no why.

I feel it.

I know maybe it’s not suitable for us to be good friend.

Or even can be stay together forever.

Not just good friend.

But I don’t know what do you think.

Every night I can’t sleep well.

I become so numb.

What can I do? Where can I go?

Let it go.

Maybe is a good end for you and me.

So let it go away. No turn back.

I give up and let you free.

The end, I stay along in the dark.


台長: ☆~No name~★
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