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2003-03-16 16:58:17| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Just realize life is like the routine a basketball player always does before shooting a free throw
everyone has his own form of unique routine
some are ordinary
some are special
It's weird that every player will keep doing the same routine everytime.
would it make the shot go in, would it bring better luck?
who knows
I'm like all the other ones who do my own routines every day
without knowing why
I'm like all the other ones who don't know what the routines are for.
I just keep doing it.
The only difference is that I just wanna keep spinning the ball.
I don't wanna take the shot.
I don't wanna see.
I don't wanna know.

台長: 閒人
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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