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2006-03-13 12:51:27| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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If I had known

saying that, doing that,

would lose a friend;

If losing one means losing two more;

If time came back,

I think I would still do like that.

It’s not my fault,

no one should be responsible to this.

Losing makes me sad,

but the result is not within my reach.

I am just protecting myself from others’ hurting.

I wouldn’t want to break down it.

I want to catch it,

while others intend to give up.

I can just say sorry,

I will give up the friendship.

Your attitude make it.

Losing is losing,

hurting is hurting.

There is no chance that

I will stand here all the way.

The chance, you losing.

The friends, the sad forever...

台長: 灵儿
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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