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2003-10-03 10:47:17| 人氣96| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Tree from My Heart

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In my little mind, outside the little room, is a little tree.

The tree grows, and this season is the first season that it blooms. RED, RED ones go with its other YELLOW and GREEN leaves.

I never really know that it lives and grows until now. I thought if it’s gone after the careless days and all the other damages, I would not be surprised. Many of its big partners have been destroyed for the sake of building a new road.

But it blooms, looks even greener, stronger, higher then it was before. As if the tree is saying to me: I am always here. Would you please always be joyful and hold on without losing hope?

台長: hsiang-hsiang
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