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2022-03-27 12:04:51

y y d s

美国财政部长耶伦周五(3月25号)表示,对中国的制裁 "目前没有必要,也不合适",而华盛顿同时希望这个亚洲巨人不会为俄罗斯的战争行动提供救助。 法新社报道,拜登的财政部长在接受CNBC采访时对是否制裁中国的问...

2022-03-27 11:26:56



2021-01-20 20:37:17


A surveillance camera captured the ensuing fatal collision at N. Park Victoria and Kennedy Drives. The Lexus traveled through the stop sign and struck the boy in the crosswalk, and did not appear to s...

2021-01-20 20:33:23


The State Operations Center plans to coordinate 24-hour operations and requests for mutual aid to prepare for and respond to any credible threats in the days leading up to the inauguration on January ...

2020-11-17 09:33:18

Find the way

https://youtu.be/AZegBSfZ8SQ Why are you with a small handどうして君は 小さな手でAre you trying to carry a wound?傷を背負おうとするのだろう?Don't lose sight of it, not just for someone誰かの為だけじゃ...

2020-11-17 09:23:57



2020-11-17 09:10:27

Ouch, 🤕


2020-11-17 08:37:46

I recall by Robert Parker

Closed blinds, eyes on the ceiling, here in the dark I dont try and act like I'm healing, or movin' onNo the door is closed behind, to the way it felt beforeAnd I know that I shouldn't try to remembe...

2020-11-16 18:51:23

All we need is love

All we need is love to feel alive... All we need is love to feel alive...I wanna wonderful lifeTo have you here by my side It's just a moment and timeNow or neverYou make me feel so brand newAnd I c...

2020-11-16 18:31:13

Angel You


2020-11-16 12:04:45


https://youtu.be/pnGN2EfwAw4 https://youtu.be/zimc6N2S3qM

2020-11-16 11:37:48
2020-11-16 11:34:53
2020-11-16 11:31:43

Big in Japan


2020-11-16 11:28:54

Forever young


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