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片名: 二冬
其它片名: /Er Dong
导演: 杨瑾
制片人: 崔子恩, 朱日坤, 张君
摄影: 司徒知夏
美术: 许晓力
声音: 冯喆
剪辑: 马赛
主演: 白李军, 杨明娟
片长: 150分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话
制作机构: 手工电影作坊

在一个偏远的山区,传说中有一个叫“卖儿石”的大石头。一些因家中贫困或其它原因生了孩子却想把孩子卖掉的人常聚在这块石头旁等待买家。 在一个冬季,二月了还下着雪。杨四郎从外地打工回来路径卖儿石时捡回一个男婴,取名叫作“二冬”。杨四郎不久便离开人世,儿子由妻子杨氏抚养成人。长大的二冬生性顽劣,在母亲的娇纵之下更是难以教养。二冬开始不断地给母亲闯祸,玩猎枪、打架、骑摩托车。二冬的母亲杨氏把他送到外地的教会学校,二冬从那里逃了出来,带着一个叫杨嫦娥的女孩子私奔。二冬开始体验生活的不易,在杨嫦娥怀孕之后他不得不回到家乡完成婚事。他开始承担生活,开始寻找生活,但生活在乡镇工业经济的迅速发展中变得难以琢磨。

Synopsis: Deep in the mountains of China there is a large rock known as the Baby Selling Stone. People forced to sell their children for reasons such as poverty often wait by the stone for buyers. One winter, it was still snowing in February. After passing the Baby Selling Stone on his way home from working outside the village, Yang Silang returned with a baby boy. He called him “Er Dong.” Soon after, Yang Silang died. His widow raised Er Dong on her own. Er Dong grew up obstinate. The more his mother doted on him, the more unruly he became. He was a big headache for her—messing about with a shotgun, getting into fights, and riding around on a motorbike. She sent him away to board at a Christian missionary school. He ran away from the school, eloping with a girl called Yang Chang’e. Then Er Dong began to discover just how hard life can be. When Chang’e got pregnant, he was forced to return home and get married. Shouldering his responsibilities, he began to wonder what life was all about. However, industrialization has been developing rapidly in the countryside, and Er Dong discovers it is harder than ever to make something out of his life.


Er Dong’s country town is my hometown, and I have many memories of growing up there. However, it has already changed completely. The government decided to develop the mining industry in that isolated mountain district. Within a few short years, aluminum factories and power plants have sprung up, and there are coal mines and aluminum ore mines everywhere. Former farmers are running transportation businesses now. The town is overflowing with miners from Sichuan and girls from the Northeast. The reality beneath the apparent prosperity is one of confusion. Having always lived in this isolated area, this put a lot of pressure on Er Dong.

杨瑾,山西平陆人,生于1982年。2000年进入山西电影学校学习摄影,2004年进入北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院学习编导,期间拍摄一些短片。2004年完成他的第一个剧情长篇《一只花奶牛》,获得第19届瑞士弗里堡电影节 “文化奖”和“唐诘可德”奖,第7届新德里亚洲电影展“亚洲电影网络促进奖”。现在是一名独立电影工作者,经营自己的工作室手工电影作坊。

Bio-filmography of Director Yang Jin, was born in 1982, Shan Xi,china. In 2000, entered the Shanxi film school to learn photography. 2003, entered the College of Art And Communication of Beijing Normal University , majored in the director. He made a few of documentaries and some short feature films. 2004, he made his the first film《The black and white milk cow》,winner the “Ecumenical Jury Award” and “FICC Jury,Don Quijote Prize of the International Federation of Film Societies” at 19th Fribourg International Film Festival. “Network For The Promotion Of Asian Cinema”(NETPAC) at 7th OSIAN’s-CINEFAN. He is now an independent film maker.

片名: 麦收
其它片名: /Wheat Harvest
导演: 徐童
摄影: 徐童
声音: 徐童
剪辑: 徐童
音乐: 阿里山的姑娘
片长: 98分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话

影片概述 . . . . . .

In June the wheat tips are beginning to turn yellow.She comes back from Beijing to her hometown in Hebei, to find her father lying in bed with an IV and her mother out at the market.hIt appears that this is the way life always is; this is normal; nothing is out of the ordinary.
Going back a few months, we see a filthy and chaotic side street in Beijing’s eastern suburbs called GaoXiDian.In a nameless, unlit ‘beauty parlor’, this country girl of barely 20 years old shows us a corner of her life as a prostitute.
She says she can’t get involved with individual clients, but then we meet a customer named Xu…
She looks down on the boss of the salon, because she is “too greedy”…
She can’t forget the man who brought her to Beijing, her former boss Brother Chen, who unfortunately got into some trouble last year…
She gives all of her money to her family to pay for her father’s medical costs, keeping only 100RMB to get back to Beijing…
Time flies by, and soon her family’s wheat is ready to harvest, but it has been raining for days on end, making it impossible to begin…
The film revolves around the time of the harvest, documenting one person’s dual lives and struggles, how one person copes on her own in the face of everything.Here we see the complex depths of human nature.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

Director’s Statement
A deep disappointment in human nature unsettles the soul.hRegardless of the circumstances, everything comes from human instincts, and no matter how hard you try, there is no way to change it. Everything exists as it always was, with no beginning or end.

片名: 旧约
其它片名: /The Old Testament
导演: 崔子恩
编剧: 崔子恩
制片人: 甄里, 刘淑景
摄影: 袁德强
剪辑: 胡海昕, 宋辉
主演: 郭雅琦, 于博, 张荐, 魏建刚, 杨青, 杨青, 罗冬, 孟浩,
于小宇,娜仁其木格, 马然, 赵正阳, 杜华南
音乐: 崔子恩, 张荐
片长: 74分钟
年份: 2002年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .
[ 雅歌 2001 ]
[ 箴言 1991 ]
[ 诗篇 1981 ]

Set in contemporary China, renowned experimental filmmaker Cui Zi En’s THE OLD TESTAMENT is a distinguished weaving of moving storytelling and intricate social allegory. At its core are three episodic tales addressing such issues as AIDS, homophobia and bisexuality. The first story centers on a gay couple’s troubled relationship when one partner brings home a mysterious young stranger. The second story revolves around a bisexual gigolo who marries both his female and male lovers. The third story concerns two gay college students and the emotional abuse they endure from family members when their relationship is discovered. Framed by biblical references and a chorus singing each story’s conclusion, THE OLD TESTAMENT has its roots firmly planted within the fertile ground of avant-garde filmmaking, sacrificing nothing in terms of emotional gratification.

获得奖项 . . . . . .
PANORAMA of the 53rd Berlin International Film Festival

片名: 另一半
其它片名: /The Other Half
导演: 应亮
编剧: 应亮, 彭姗
制片人: 彭姗
摄影: 应亮, 李荣圣
美术: 应亮, 彭姗
声音: 应亮, 彭姗
剪辑: 应亮
主演: 曾晓菲, 邓纲, 赵柯, 陈锡桂
音乐: 张骁, 胡乔太
片长: 111分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 四川方言
格式: DV
制作机构: 九十分钟电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

Xiaofen works a clerk at a law firm located in a developing city in Southwestern China. Her job is to meet different female clients of the firm and document each case. However, just like the female clients involved in those lawsuits, Xiaofen is also in trouble. She feels anxious and unsafe. Her boyfriend, who was living with her, goes missing, possibly because he was a murderer. And her mother and her women friends lead unsettled lives.
This movie consists of two alternating parts. One part comprises the actual, true stories told by the female clients whom Xiaofen meets in her job. The other part is the narrative about Xiaofen herself and her female friends. The intention of the film’s structure is to present a contemporary report on the status of women living in an inland city in China.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

THE OTHER HALF is a film that comes from both despair and hope.
The ill-fated incident that it relates did not actually occur in the city in which the story is set, but it is a problem that is found worldwide. My film attempts to show a portrait of the future, and symbolizes the existential and spiritual crisis which ordinary people experience.

获得奖项 . . . . . .

片名: 慰问
导演: 应亮
编剧: 应亮, 彭姗
制片人: 彭姗
摄影: 应亮, 李荣圣
美术: 应亮, 彭姗
剪辑: 应亮
主演: 彭姗, 陈锡桂, 彭德明, 孙晓琦
片长: 19分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 国语
格式: hdv
制作机构: 九十分钟电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .
导演阐述 . . . . . .

片名: 外面
其它片名: 外面/outside
导演: 王我
片长: 78分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话
格式: DV

影片概述 . . . . . .
导演阐述 . . . . . .
获得奖项 . . . . . .

上访 Petition
导演(Director):赵亮 Zhao Liang
制片人(Producer):Sylvie Blum
摄影(Cinematography):赵亮 Zhao Liang
录音(Sound):赵亮Zhao Liang
剪辑(Editing):赵亮Zhao Liang 顺子 Shun Zi 孔静蕾Kong Jinglei
制作机构(Production Company):三影堂 INA ART france

1992 毕业于鲁迅美术学院
1993 北京电影学院摄影系进修故事片摄影.
2007 《罪与罚》122 mins
1995-2006 《告别圆明园》104 mins
1997-2001 《纸飞机》77 min
1997-2002 《小芮小姐》60min
2004-2005  《在江边》56 min
Bio-filmography of Director:
1997-2001 Paper Air Plane 77 min
1995-2006 Farewell Yuan Ming Yuan 108min
2006 Return to the Border 56 min
2007 Crime and Punishment 123min
1996-2009 Petition 122min

故事梗概、导演阐述Director’s Statement:
在北京南站的周围,生活着被称为中国第五十七个民族的上访人,他们年复一年,日复一日的等待着,等待着有朝一日能有一个清官出现,替他们鸣冤昭雪。春天来了冬天又去了, 数不尽的日日夜夜分分秒秒,道不尽的人世苍凉,命运捉弄,只能化作一丝虔香慰藉那短命的冤魂。

Around Beijing Southern Railway Station, there live many people, who appeal to the higher authorities for help, also known as China’s 57th ethnic group. Year after year, day after day, they are waiting, waiting, waiting, and waiting for a certain honest and upright official to exonerate them. However, the spring has come and the winter has left. Countless days, nights, minutes and seconds have ran over them. Endless fate, destiny, fortune and lot can only be shaped into a thread of incense to memorize the untimely departed saints.
But, they still believe …
That the sun glory will shine on their dark apertures and low shacks.
That their pace will be always steady…

台長: Y P LOO
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