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『奈良美智』是漢字,但我搜尋時找不到,當用Yoshitomo Nara時才開始見到有趣的東西。



奈良美智出生於一九五九年,日本的Hirosakim。他繪製的小孩表情總是很欠揍,對世界非常不爽的樣子,這種叛逆是繼承自Kurt Cobain、Mike Ness、Billie Joe Armstrong嗎?






Yoshitomo Nara

Nara is internationally recognized for his neo-pop paintings and sculptures that feature big-eyed, alternately sad, mischievous or even malevolent children.Nara creates deceptively simple paintings, sculptures, and drawings that invite one to reconnect with the defiant spirit that comes with youthful optimism and the belief that we may someday change the world.

Born in 1959, Nara was raised in post-World War II Japan, a time and place defined by aggressive economic development and an influx of Western pop culture - including the animation of Walt Disney and Warner Bros. While many of his contemporaries were inundated by the pop components of a renewed Japanese culture, Nara was a "latch-key child," who was raised in the country by working parents. Often left alone to entertain himself, he became a fan of comic books and depended on his pets to keep him company.

Like his contemporaries, Nara's work references childhood and is characterized by a flat, graphic style, but his artistic influences reveal a much broader range, including Renaissance painting, literature, illustration, graffiti and punk rock. Nara's art has been widely integrated into mass culture.

He depicts a time when innocence and unruliness went hand in hand, when emotions were not expected to be filtered, when make-believe was not equated with lunacy and when the world was a fantastic and terrifying place meant to be explored, not conquered.His paintings, drawings and sculptures speak with an originality and authenticity that resonate within the child within us all.

Focal Point: Born in 1959 inJapan,Yoshitomo Nara is one of the most influential artists to emerge from Japan during the Pop art movement of. Yoshitomo Nara's paintings and sculpture of stylized cartoon children and animals evoke a range of memories from childhood.

台長: Blanche


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