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2008-08-05 22:02:29| 人氣89| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

keep discovering

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Opportunities won’t land on your doorstep.
But you can land on theirs.
If you want something, you should go out and get it.
Because of in our life, we should keep discovering what we want.
Try to burrow infinite possibilities so that we can fly
around the world! haha i am a lunatic wizard haha.
We need to have the recognition that we fend things for ourselves
and will get a deserved glory.That sounds so great.~
Thank to that, we will cherish opportunities which
involves achievement and confidence.

Doubtless, some of the works in progress we pick
will fail to live up expectations;others we fail to
spot will overwhelm us. So let us be it!
The important thing is that we learn to live with
permanent change.
i might tell to myself i should not gloat over
i should be humble and curious.

台長: 哲哲
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