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Cabin Crew (Taiwan)  新航空服員招募 (台灣)

We will be conducting a recruitment exercise for Cabin Crew in Taiwan in March 2012. If you are warm, hospitable with a winning approach to customer service, we welcome you to join our elite team of cabin crew.



·     Taiwanese citizenship 中華民國國籍

·     Bachelor Degree 學士學位 (含應屆畢業生)

·     Proficiency in English and Mandarin 中英文流利

·     Willing to be based in Singapore 願意居住在新加坡


Our comprehensive 3-4 months training program will cover topics such as:


·     Product Knowledge including Food & Beverage 產品專業知識,包括餐點與飲料

·     Service Procedures 服務程序

·     Passenger Handling 旅客應對與處理方法

·     Deportment & Grooming美姿儀態與儀表修飾

·     Language & Communication Skills 語言與溝通技巧

·     Safety Equipment Procedures 安全設備與程序

·     First Aid 急救

On successful completion of training you will commence flying duties.

Remuneration & Service Benefits  薪酬與福利

A monthly allowance will be provided during training. Upon graduation, you can look forward to a basic salary and various allowances amounting to about $ 3,500 a month. In addition, there is an annual wage supplement of one month’s basic salary and profit-sharing bonus. You will also be entitled to free travel to any SIA destination once a year and enjoy discounted travel at other times.

培訓期間新航將提供每月固定的零用金。結業後,新任新航空服員的每月基本薪資加上各項津貼約為3,500元新幣 (1:23兌換,約新台幣80,500)。此外,新航每年將固定發放一個月底薪的年終獎金以及分紅獎金。空服員每年可以享有一次免費飛行,往返新航飛行的任何航點,另外還有其他的員工旅遊優惠。

Application Details  招募相關細節 

Please submit an online application on www.singaporeair.com.sg by 28 February 2012.


Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend interviews in Taipei in mid March 2012. We thank all candidates for their interest in Singapore Airlines and regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.



台長: 柏維EDDIE

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