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2012年新澳門金沙城中心新開幕 加入FACEBOOK贏取金沙城中心雙人貴賓套票(住宿)

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金沙城中心將於四月盛大開幕,首期進駐購物中心「金沙廣場」的28個名店品牌包括 Michael Kors、 Sergio Rossi及 Pink Grill等, 都是首次登陸澳門零售市場的。屆時「金光名店區」旗下的大運河購物中心、四季.名店,以及金沙廣場將合共提供約600間零售商舖, 客人可盡享豪華的免稅購物樂趣啦!

Sands Cotai Central is having its grand opening in April! The 28 shops slated for the first phase opening of Shoppes Cotai Central include first-to-market brands Michael Kors, Sergio Rossi and Pink Grill. When complete, "Shoppes Cotai" will be the largest duty-free luxury shopping experience in Macao, with nearly 600 retailers to choose from. Get ready shopaholics!

即將開幕, 位於金沙城中心既假日酒店,集消閒、購物、娛樂於一身。優越既位置,讓您輕易到達數百間亞洲頂級商店,數十家優秀食府及酒吧,仲有各大表演場地及展覽會場。酒店客房寬敞舒適,配合雅致怡人的游泳池、健身俱樂部及幽美庭園,令您在澳門金沙城中心假日酒店度過既每一刻,都感到意趣盎然! 而家已經開始接受預訂啦 - http://hk.sandscotaicentral.com/

The soon-to-be open Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central is the absolute centre of Macao’s leisure, shopping and entertainment district. With easy access to hundreds of top retail outlets, dozens of restaurants and bars, as well as concert venues and exhibition centres. Spacious and comfortable rooms, a pool deck and health club, as well as tranquil gardens, the Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central is the perfect choice for a fun-filled break! Room reservations are now available -

全球最大、擁有636間客房及套房既康萊德酒店 (Conrad Hotel) 將於4月係@Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 隆重開業! 貴為希爾頓全球奢華酒店品牌, 樓高39層,可俯瞰整個路氹金光大道既康萊德酒店, 必定給客人提供與眾不同及極致奢華既服務。你想成為首批入住體驗的客人嗎? 而家成為我地既FANS 你就有機會啦!

The world’s largest Conrad Hotel, with 636 rooms and suites overlooking the Cotai Strip, will welcome guests in April! As Hilton Worldwide’s global luxury brand, Conrad Macao will definitely offerits guests the ultimate luxury in its distinctive style of service. Wanna be the first to experience the newest Conrad Macao? Become our FANS now and you'll get the chance!

金沙城中心既 Conrad 酒店客房寬敝雅致,讓您盡情俯瞰路氹金光大道。而且位置方便, 只需數分鐘即可到達氹仔舊城區觀光購物...由即日起接受5月起既房間預訂啦, 想率先入住城中最新酒店, 即刻上www.sandscotaicentral.com 訂房啦!

Conrad Macao, Cotai Central offers luxurious guestrooms and suites overseeing the cotai strip, and is connected conveniently to Macao’s cultural and heritage areas and Taipa city centre. We now accept room bookings from May onwards, be the first to experience the newest hotel in town by reserving your room at
www.sandscotaicentral.com now!







  • 全新澳門金沙城中心康萊德酒店雙人住宿套票,包括貴賓特快登記及貴賓室通行證
  • 於「朝」(Dynasty8) 高級中菜館享用二人特選套餐
  • 從金沙城中心免費乘坐單程金光專車(CotaiLimo™)前往澳門任何地點。


台長: 柏維EDDIE

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