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2012-04-03 04:09:01 | 人氣103| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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金沙城中心將於開幕的首個週末舉行亞洲最矚目既開幕派對,為大家呈獻一連串星光熠熠既娛樂表演節目! 節目頭炮「第16屆全球華語榜中榜影響力大典 」將於4月13日假澳門威尼斯人金光綜藝館舉行, 4月14日晚則上演《澳門威尼斯人巨星演唱會》,由一眾亞洲知名巨星攜手賣力演出。此外, 中國國家交響樂團亦將於4月15日在威尼斯人劇場聯同中國三大男高音為觀眾演奏醉人樂曲! 咁多精彩既節目我地誠意邀請大家一同參與, 到時見啦!

We're hosting a weekend of exc⋯⋯iting entertainment events in celebration of Asia’s Biggest Launch Party in 2012 – the April 11 opening of Sands Cotai Central! The action-packed, star-studded weekend kicks off on Friday, April 13 with the prestigious Star TV 16th China Music Awards at The Venetian Macao’s CotaiArena; Saturday night, April 14 features The Venetian Macao Celebration Concert, with the world-class China National Symphony Orchestra (CNSO) performs at the luxury Venetian Theatre on Sunday, April 15! This is sure to be a weekend that you won't want to miss, see you there!

台長: 柏維EDDIE

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