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質與形ESSENCE AND SHAPE 西班牙新銳雕刻家 馬可.薩爾瓦多亞洲首展

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展覽時間:2012年4月7日~ 2012年4月20日
展覽地點:華山1914文化創意產業園區 紅磚區 西2棟 (100 台北市中正區八德路一段1號)
展覽開放時間: 周一到周日  11:00 - 19:00免費參觀

揉合古典哲思 V.S 萬象無限之美
藝術創作猶如一面鏡子,如實的反應出創作者對於藝術的熱情,以及對所處環境的融入與體察。畢業於西班牙瓦倫西亞大學雕塑博士研究的雕刻藝術家馬可‧薩爾瓦多Salvador Marco,將其對於生命與本質的感動,透過純熟內斂的雕刻技巧轉化成具像與非具像的形體表徵,他的作品跳脫材質的拘束,以柔美線條賦予不同創作材質靈動的生命力與主體性,每件創作都鮮明透晰著Salvador揉和感性及理性的諧和之美。
  此次於華山1914文化創意產業園區紅磚區所舉辦的亞洲首展,共展出近40件雕塑作品,以六個系列主題做為呈現。受到擔任古希臘語與拉丁語教授父親的影響,馬可‧薩爾瓦多Salvador Marco的作品蘊藏有豐厚的古典希臘歷史文學基礎,融合希臘神話之寓意,作品形式簡潔精準卻具有溫潤柔美之動人線條;馬可‧薩爾瓦多Salvador Marco尤其關注雕塑作品本質之呈現與材質之運用,觀賞其作品除可閱讀出藝術家對身邊環境互動牽動而出的濃厚情感,觀者更可藉由肢體觸摸感受到石材/木材紋理交錯、線條角度的柔軟剛硬並存之驚喜。像是走進無限的想像空間,沒有框架與邊界,相同一件作品在每次欣賞中都會有不同的發現與驚喜。
西班牙新銳雕刻家馬可.薩爾瓦多Salvador Marco以其細膩柔軟的思維與純熟創作手法,跳脫傳統雕塑作品的框架與形制,以全然不同的作品表現,毫無隔閡地與所有人展開對話。敬邀您於2012年4月7日~ 2012年4月20日前來華山1914文化創意產業園區 紅磚區(西2棟)一同感受這位雕塑哲學家的創作之美。

Salvador Marco Solo Sculpture Exhibition in Asia

Exhibition period: April 7, 2012 – April 20, 2012
Location of the Exhibition: West No.2 Building, Red Brick Zone, Huashan 1914 Creative Park (No. 1, Section 1, Bādé Rd, Jhongjheng District Taipei City, Taiwan 100)
Opening Reception: Friday, April 6, 2012  PM19:00
Exhibition hours: Monday to Sunday from 11:00 to 19:00 (Free)

Classical Philosophy vs. Unlimited Beauty of Multiplicity
Like a mirror, artworks can truthfully reflect their artists’ passion for art, as well as how they blend in and what they experience from the environment they nested. Graduated from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) and master degree in contemporary sculpture, sculptor Salvador Marco transforms inspiration from life and essence into figural as well as non-figural symbols of various forms and shapes through his sophisticated but unpretentious sculpture techniques. Instead of being restricted by the materials, Salvador’s artworks convey life force and subjectivity by creating charmingly gentle profiles using various materials. Every piece of Salvador’s work exhibits the perfectly and harmoniously intertwined sensibility and rationality.
This Asia premiere exhibition at the Red Brick Zone of Huashan 1914 Creative Park will present about 40 sculptures of six series of themes. Influenced by his father, a professor of classical languages as greek and latin, Salvador Marco’s artworks are enriched by ancient Greek history, literature and mythology. Salvador’s works have a simplistic and precise outline that flows softly and gently. Salvador Marco puts extra emphasis on presenting the essence of sculptures and the use of materials. From his works, the viewers can discover how the artist involved with the surrounding environment and the deep affection arises from this interaction. The viewers can also touch the works and will be stunned by the textural contrast between stone and wood or the silhouette composed of not only soft and gentle but also harsh and rigid lines. Let this frameless and borderless realm created by Salvador Marco unleashes your imagination, and you will be amazed that even with the same sculpture, new ideas and surprises will keep poping up each time you look at it.
      Possessing refined and delicate thinking and sophisticated sculpture skills, the fresh new Spanish sculptor Salvador Marco has created fully distinctive sculptural works that not only break away from the conventional sculptural framework and structure but also initiate a free flow conversation with people. You are invited to appreciate these exquisite artworks by Salvador, a sculptor with his philosophy which shall be exhibited at the Red Brick Zone (West No.2 Building) of Huashan 1914 Creative Park between April 7 and April 20 of 2012.


台長: 柏維EDDIE

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