Hi, Jerry... first of all we are really sorry for not sending an
email or Xmas card before..
We hope you had a very good Xmas, we are still on time to wish you a Happy new year 2008.
Thanks very much for all the presents you can be sure that all the kids and not only the kids (us too!)were jumping when they saw a parcel from TW. Santa also visited our house and brought loads of goodies.
Thanks very much again for the lovely photos they are absolutely great.
Hope to see you again soon. Kids are missing you and asking when you are back. Obviously they love you so much. As my wife told you. Once you left for TW, they felt bored.
You know, the last day you were going to the airport. I woke up early. Liam woke up early to say goodbye. But Tom did not. About 30 min. later, he found you were gone. And he started crying and saying” Where is Jerry going? Is he coming back soon?”
We are very happy for having such as an active, easy-going international student to live with us. You are always welcome to come back anytime. New Zealand is always your home!!
Your kiwi family
Miguel, Sally, Sam. Tom and Liam
Miguel Cubeles
Miguel, Sally, Sam, Tom and Liam(全家人:爸爸.媽媽.三個兒子.)
Milford, Auckland, NZ (我家地址:奧克蘭米佛地區)
**2007年聖誕節我收到來自外國友人近20多的祝福.我只選最溫馨的一篇來寫.其他的故事就來跟我吃吃飯.到時再說囉.I promise I will go back on day.我保證有一天我會回去的.而且可能性非常高!別忘了紐西蘭還有南島的冰河.我18歲去的是北島而已.我故意不去除了沒足夠時間外.還有一點是就因為還沒去所以還有去的動機在.祝大家新年快樂.我朋友不多.有你們就可以了!!