If you own a boat maintenance business you may have considered what your charges should be and what the boat owners are willing to pay. Here are some ideas on the type of charges and services you should think about. This is Part II
Fill up fuel tanks to avoid condensation during winter. Add a fuel stabilizer by following exact instructions on the container. Change out fuel filtration systems and water separators.
Main Motors and Generators: (Optional $150)
Change the sump oil and oil filtration systems. You should run the engine for 10 minutes to warm it up first. Hot oil will allow harmful particles to be cleared with the oil. Acids have formed in the oil from combustion heat and are approaching vital engine parts. Leaving old oil in an engine during the non-use period is a bad idea. The old oil adheres to having and other important engine parts and causes rust. Change fuel filtration systems on primary and supplementary filtration systems. Check fuel filtration systems for algae and water. Advise owner if really bad. Make sure to change protective zincs mainly motors and generators. Add anti-freeze to cooling system and run for fifteen minutes. Exclusively use environmentally friendly anti-freeze. Never use silicon based anti-freezes or even ones which contain any silicon what so ever. If the engine block freezes and breaks, it's usually covered under the boater's insurance policy. Plug up all exhaust ports. Remove spark attaches and use fogging oil apply to apply into cylinders. Wash down engine with a publication sprayed with WD-40 or fogging oil. You may also wish to follow engine linkage and apply it down with WD-40 and wash excess.
If the boat is out of the water clean off the bottom of the boat ASAP. It is easiest to remove barnacles, your lawn and slime while the bottom is still wet. Pay particular awareness of cleaning off the water line and transom. Also propellers, the whole length, rudders and trim tabs.
Inspect stringent drive(s) and remove any plants or barnacles from lower unit. Deplete gear case to remove any moisture in oil. Clean the bottom unit with a sauna cleaner when it is possible. Check plastic boots for breaks and pin hole water leaks. Fat all equipments and check fluid levels in hydraulic steering or lift pumps.
Ask around carpet cleaning for the boat. Clean upholstered furniture. Also construct fabric draperies and clean them as well. Vacuum a mattress.
Detach fuel garden hose and run engine dry, until it stops. It is very important to make sure all fuel is cleared from carburetor to prevent build up of deposits from evaporated fuel. Old oil be capable of turning to varnish. Use fogging oil, apply into storage container walls, and pistons. Apply water-resistant fat to propeller the whole length and strings. Feel the engine. Note: there are two ideas on whether you should detach and deplete fuel or whether you should add stabilizers and fuel treatments. Nissan Underwater Engines recommends that you deplete it completely, while Mercury and OMC recommend treating fuel with a conditioner, which sell, and adding stabilizer. The second method is of course incredibly easier, but you must follow the boat engine manual.
Canvas Covers: (Add Maintenance Costs for Hardware)
Pay attention to weak seams and substandard fasteners. Check receivers on the boat also. You must replace bad hardware due to winter years. A few bad fasteners may allow the wind to grip on the covers and it will thrash it to shreds.
Storage Packing containers and Lockers:
Use a good underwater caulking compound to close breaks and water leaks. Remove contents Winterdienst frankfurt. If paint is missing, sand and repaint (extra fee). Be sure to wash down with moisture resistant cleaner and then feel it.
Rejuvenate first-aid kits and medical supplies. Toss old medicines. Take everything out and wash with anti-moisture cleaner.
If the boat will be left in the water, pay attention. Check lines for chafe and add spring or breast lines to prevent fore and aft movement in the slip. There should be twice the number of lines as normal. Check dock cleat for rigidity. If loose, contact marina management to get them prepared before windy season. Add chafe protectors on lines if owner wishes and be sure to charge them for this. Hang twice the number of fenders that you would utilization in summer.
Give your AC power cord an evaluation. Confirm if the female end looks brown, melted or corroded inside. If it does you have a poor connection problem. Have a professional underwater electrician take a look. Make sure the ability power cord does not fall into the water or that there is absolutely no way it will be pulled in the water. A power short can cause unnecessary rust to the boat or nearby boats.
Secure all gear on the deck and possibly attach a small plastic sprayed cord lock. Mail the key to the lock with a note in your expenses for services. Keep one key yourself. Do the same for shore boats, water toys, scuba and safety gear. Other items such as EPIRB's, mob flags, fire extinguishers, flares, fenders and life saving gear is better off below out of the weather. Pressure wash them first and secure them below to discourage theft. Advise owners to take soft cushions, galley fuel, boat papers, home consumer electronics and small outboard engines home.