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2006-03-05 15:23:11| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Have long time no see,how about you?I am very miss you!

I heard that you went back to Australia,

I felt astonished and a little unfortunate,

because I can’t see you again and ask you for some advice about pitch.

In fact,your advice let me make great strides.Very thank you!

I am in high school second year now.

When I graduate,I very want to go to in college overseas.

But I have no idea about enter a higher school.

I think maybe you can help me to get some information,

I think Australia is a best way whan I choose the country.

Can you ask some information about study abroad for me?

Any school,any department...is OK,

can be keep practicing softball or government expense is best.

If you can help me,I will very happy and deeply appreciate!

Hope can hear your voice soon.

And hope you are good.

Thank you!

*But he can’t get this mail..> <

台長: 俠妹
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