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2006-11-06 10:44:32| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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發聲練習  阿ˇ  阿  阿ˊ  阿~~~~

清個喉嚨  咳ˋ咳ˋ咳ˋ咳ˋ咳˙

5 6 7 8 go

let’s dance in style, lets dance for a while
heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies
hoping for the best but expecting the worst
are you going to drop the bomb or not

let us die young or let us live forever
we don’t have the power but we never say never
sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
the music’s for the sad men

can you imagine when this race is won
turn our golden faces into the sun
praising our leaders we’re getting in tune
the music’s played by the madmen

forever young i want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever
forever and ever
forever young i want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever
forever young

噢~耶  ever good!︿︿

放人~~~ ya~~~

才練個快2個小時  就放人辣!!



哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~  打了整整1h  越打越沒勁=  =+

呼~~~  不過好玩就是了  但是沒跟miss 蕭打到-0-

她太忙了=00=  唉~~~  小可惜-3-

開心就好  是吧?!   打完球之後...

就...跟魷魚亂坐車去台北車站  然後他要幫她弟買便當

我就跟他去了  太無聊  順便吃飯  雖然不太餓-ˇ-

那個便當街我是第一次去ㄟ  東西都好便宜喔-0-

我一直以為台北市的東西都很貴=  =||

物價都很高  其實並不全然麻   學校旁邊的巷子也很便宜

至於好不好吃我就不知道了  不過便當街那邊有些都是吃到飽的

嗯...感覺還不賴-ˇ-   哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 

吃完便當後 就走回去坐車  老娘我等公車等了半個小時

公車上還一堆人  我一直站到我家  都快到終點站了=  =+

暈倒~~~   腿爆酸的~"~

口亨~~~   老娘我要快點18歲辣~"~  哇嗚嗚嗚嗚>︿<

台長: 啾桑
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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