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2006-07-06 00:10:50


今年蘇黎世歌劇院新製作的唐喬望尼以另一種輕快的觀點來詮釋這齣dramma giocoso(喜戲劇). 往常大多導演都注重在dramma這部分而疏忽了giocoso的存在, 所以唐喬望尼通常給人有嚴肅沉重的感覺. 這次導演Sven-Eric Becht...

2005-04-23 04:46:54


前幾天JP娘傳真來一張役政司的公文, 信末不免又碎唸JP的感情生活一番. 根本從來就沒感情生活還能碎唸, 眞是的. 不過父母的碎唸是關心, 這份情我留心中至於碎唸內容就左耳進右耳出吧! 快滿二十七了卻沒談過戀愛算...

2005-03-23 18:54:03


Schumann: Adagio and Allegro for piano and cello op.70 Mondnacht* op.39/5 Sonata for piano and violin* op.105 3 romances for oboe op.94 5 Stuecke im Volkston for cello op.102 Fantasy pieces for...

2005-03-04 02:06:04

丹尼爾 哈汀

丹尼爾 哈汀( Daniel Harding)是近年來急速竄紅才貌俱全的指揮家. 他有如拼命三郎的指揮速度有時是某些樂迷詬病的地方. 不過我聽完他現場指揮的演奏會覺得他快時如萬馬奔騰氣勢澎湃, 緩時靜如處女令人屏息. 他那絲絨...

2004-12-08 18:21:47

Diner chez moi

Last Sunday I invited some friends whom I haven’t seen for a long while to dine at my place. We weren’t a large group back then during the study. But now almost everyone is in a steady relationship,...

2004-11-16 02:29:50


偶然買了Tiberghien的貝多芬專輯(Diabelli variations)對於他細膩而又不傷感的詮釋為之傾倒 爲了親眼一睹Tiberghien的風采也不管週五晚上演奏會的曲目是啥就去了 到了會場看到大門海報寫著 : "當代新音樂節" 由於對當...

2004-11-02 00:12:50

Cinq fois deux

Francois Ozon's new movie is coming out in 3 weeks! Hooray!! I simply adore his works!! (eventhough some of them are kinky and bizzare) Except Swimmingpool and some of his very early stuffs, I have s...

2004-11-01 23:41:23

[REVIEW]Manon Lescaut

Manon Lescaut (21.oct.2004 OZ) This is a very refreshing production. Asagaroff, an excellent director, his previous works at OZ like Rigoletto, Maria Stuarda or Barbiere are much cherished by the O...

2004-10-29 16:32:25

busy busy busy as a bee

Okay, the next few days will be a bit hectic. Next wednesday I have to deliver my progress report (Powerpoint presentation). Since I don't have much data, so I have to come with something good to talk...

2004-10-22 20:18:15

[REVIEW] Stiffelio

Among other operas that Verdi created in the same time period (Rigoletto, Traviata) Stiffelio is the least popular even though it does not lack of great music. Personally I’m very glad to have the ch...

2004-10-22 18:14:57

I always depend on the kindness of strangers

As usual, I rushed to the box office of OZ just shortly before the performance started last night. Before I reached my pocket for my wallet, a stranger approached me and offered me a free ticket. His ...

2004-10-13 18:01:32


La Cenerentola (10th October 2004, OZ) I don’t know how old exactly this production of Cenerentola from OZ is. It’s probably created back in those days when Bartoli was still singing Rosina and A...

2004-09-21 22:17:46

[REVIEW] Verdi Requiem

In order to raise some money for the St. Francis Home Foundation which is initiated by the OZ’ theater manager Alexander Pereira and other generous people to help the girls with handicap in Northern ...

2004-09-15 17:21:59


4/9晚上是林懷明民三十年來第一次和西方舞團合作的首演, 戲碼是替雲門編的[煙]. 實在媽祖婆有保佑, 林懷明民第一次和西方舞團合作居然是蘇黎世芭蕾舞團. 所以首演當晚JP飛奔至蘇黎世歌劇院為的不只要親眼欣賞林老師的...

2004-09-06 19:48:56


話先說在前面, 我不是學音樂的; 又生性疏懶,嫌引文考證太麻煩. 所以以下純屬八卦碎碎唸. 前一陣子Queen馬妞妞推薦好幾張有美女封面的CD. 不禁手癢今天要來寫歌劇界的帥哥. 但葡萄西瓜各人所好不同, 要是看倌認為JP有...

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